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Global Scientific Conference on Human Flourishing 2022

Organizer: Templeton World Charity Foundation
Venue: Online

The aim of this conference is to speed the translation of interdisciplinary insights about our common humanity into breakthrough innovations that help us flourish together amid modern challenges. We invite […]

Effective Giving Day

Organizer: Giving What We Can
Venue: Online

If you're feeling overwhelmed by all of the important problems in the world, and you'd like to make a difference, you're not alone. Effective Giving Day is designed to help […]

Asia Philanthropy Congress

Organizer: The Nippon Foundation
Venue: Online

The Nippon Foundation will launch the Asia Philanthropy Congress in Tokyo on November 19, 2022. It aims to leverage our extensive network to build a platform that will seek solutions […]

What are the most cost-effective ways to treat depression?

Organizer: The Swedish Network for Global Mental Health
Venue: Online

The Happier Lives Institute recently completed a cost-effectiveness analysis concluding that StrongMinds’ depression treatment is 9x more cost-effective than direct cash transfers for improving the life of an individual as […]

Measuring Good Better

Organizer: Effective Altruism Philippines
Venue: Online

To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, the Happier Lives Institute and Effective Altruism Philippines bring you Measuring Good Better, a virtual talk and Q&A about mental health and effective altruism. The main speaker will be […]

EA for Christians Annual Conference 2022

Organizer: Effective Altruism for Christians
Venue: Online

Sam and Joy participated in a fireside chat discussing their work on effective mental health and wellbeing. The EA for Christians Annual Conference brings together Christians who are passionate about […]

Donating money, buying happiness

Organizer: Mind & Behaviour Research Group (Oxford University)
Venue: Online

Joel McGuire presented our comparison of the cost-effectiveness of cash transfers and psychotherapy in terms of subjective wellbeing and mental health.

Are lockdowns justified? Evaluating the costs and benefits

Organizer: Ira W. DeCamp Bioethics Seminar (Princeton University)
Venue: Online

In several countries, lockdowns have reduced the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and thereby of deaths from COVID-19. Despite this, they have been controversial.  Some claim that they violate basic rights or freedoms.  This seminar will focus on a different objection: do the benefits of lockdowns outweigh the costs?  Asking that question leads to others: […]